Your Launching Pad to Financial Freedom 

Your egg donation is changing someone else’s life. It should change yours, too. Learn how to use your payment to create the foundation for an abundant & free financial future. 

Search for information about egg donation on the internet and it’s a murky place, isn’t it?
Your results are either: 

Horror stories from women who feel tricked, used & tossed aside… 


Fertility clinics & agencies giving you rose-colored information.

With this landscape of biased information, it can be hard to make a confident decision, and it can be easy to keep your decision to yourself. Who wants to tell their friends and family what they are doing, only to have their sister, dad or best friend discover those abysmal search results for themselves? 

This means that egg donation is often done in a haze of confusion, and it can be a really lonely process. 

Now, compound that by the fact that young women are statistically financially under-educated and are taught to view money through a more “icky” lens… 

And getting paid to donate eggs can feel like you’re being tossed a hot potato on a foggy day. 

This course will clear out the fog, and give you the knowledge and confidence to take that money and turn it into the foundation for a thriving financial future.

Let’s get started.

Feel confident, competent and prepared.
The Egg Donor Money Guide will teach you:

  • Go through a process to uncover your TRUE motivation for donating eggs.

  • Questions shape our lives. And if you ask new questions, you’ll discover new answers. You’ll explore questions about your emotions and stories around money, and get honest and real about where you are, where you want to go, and how you can use your fee to get there.

  • When I was donating eggs, I didn’t have a guide. I didn’t have a single clue what to do with my money! Which means, I made lots of mistakes. I’ll share my real numbers so you can learn from what I did and make better decisions in your life.

  • There can be a lot of complicated feelings when you donate eggs. Guilt doesn’t need to be one of them. Complete an exercise to let that go!

  • If you have family or friends who don’t understand what you’re doing, or who aren’t being supportive, this is for you. Workshop how to reply when things get… awkward.

  • It’s called compound interest. Learn how to use it to make your money grow like crazy.

  • It doesn’t have to be scary, intimidating or particularly risky. Learn how to make investing simple, automated and effective.

  • Get clear about where you are with your finances, including debt, and bust common myths about debt.

  • Get to the bottom of what you truly want so you can put your fee to work for your in the most meaningful, impactful way possible.

  • Have you ever bought something that you thought was going to make you super happy… and then, it didn’t? That’s likely because that purchase wasn’t really aligned with your values. It was a sugar fix, that left you feeling hungry. You’re going to look at what you really want to accomplish with your money so you can feel happy and satisfied.

  • You’re going to write down your concrete plan, with numbers, percentages or charts – whatever works best for your brain – so you know exactly where your fee is going to go before it’s even in your bank account.

Get the course to gain instant access to
17 video lessons and a digital workbook

  • You’re a first-time egg donor and you want to make sure you maximize this financial opportunity

  • You’re a veteran egg donor who knows there’s more potential for your money, and you want to learn how to tap into it 

  • You’re curious about egg donation and want to learn more about the financial benefits before you make your decision 

  • You’re a family member or friend of a donor and want to help support them and their decision 

This Course Is For You If…

When I was 22 I created my first egg donor profile. I did a quick Google search and signed up through one of the random results. Months later while in grad school, I got the call: I had been chosen by a family. I would make $6,000.

It was a travel cycle, and in my hotel room I ordered salmon room service for dinner, and then ordered dessert. I walked to the mall down the street and got a lavish mani-pedi. I bought myself a pair of statement ballet flats and Lucky Brand riding boots.

What I didn’t know when I was 22 has cost me literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 10 years since – and it would be easy to let the mistakes and regret overwhelm me:

If only I’d taken some time to learn about investing…
If only I had opened a high-yield savings account…
If only I knew the power of compound interest…
If only I was able to see how I was holding onto beliefs and outdated money scripts that kept me in the dark…

This course is what I wish I’d had when I was 23, starting out with dollar signs in my eyes, but no clue what to do when those dollar signs landed in my bank account.

I’d never had so much money all at once.
I’d never spent so much all at once, either.

Still have questions?

  • The Guide is composed of 17 videos and a digital workbook. Once you purchase, you will receive a log in link and you can watch the videos and complete the workbook at your own pace.

  • This one’s an easy answer: forever!

  • If you are serious about donating eggs, yes! The best way to make the most empowered decisions for your money is to have a plan before you get your fee.

  • Yes! Everything you learn in this course applies to your money, whether you earned it through a donation or not. Plus, if you plan on donating again, you will be prepared when you get that next fee!

  • Nope – there is no medical information offered in this course. It’s all about your psychology, your values and your money. All medical questions should be addressed to your clinic.

  • There are 17 videos, ranging in length from a couple of minutes to about 18 minutes. Completing the videos and the worksheets will take a couple of hours. You can complete this course in chunks or all at once.

  • No! The values clarification, the psychology work, and the financial principles apply no matter where or how you are earning your money. It’s especially useful for planning for large payments of a few thousand dollars or more.

  • There is. If you complete the videos and the workbook and you don’t feel like the course paid for itself, you can submit for a full refund.